Dream Circle: August 15
Sign up for the Aug 15th dreamer’s circle, 7pm-9pm. Limited to 12. Payment will be in cash or venmo and be dependent on number of sign ups ($10-20) just to cover rental fee. This is just your “ticket” and therefore it’s free.
Sign up for the Aug 15th dreamer’s circle, 7pm-9pm. Limited to 12. Payment will be in cash or venmo and be dependent on number of sign ups ($10-20) just to cover rental fee. This is just your “ticket” and therefore it’s free.
Sign up for the Aug 15th dreamer’s circle, 7pm-9pm. Limited to 12. Payment will be in cash or venmo and be dependent on number of sign ups ($10-20) just to cover rental fee. This is just your “ticket” and therefore it’s free.